Fun With GWAR
Awesome show last night at The Canal Club with Municipal Waste, The Red Chord and GWAR. Municiple Waste opened the show. They have a ton of energy and a rabid fan base, so it wasn't long before a circle pit was up and functioning. It got a little scary there for a minute as someone grabbed a pool cue and tossed it into the pit, but luckly our friend Matt Davis, an experienced mosher, was there and brought the guy down quickly and gave the bouncers the pool cue without anyone getting injured. The problem with an 18-and-older show is that it attracts a lot of screamo and poser skater punks who like to push. They pressed up hard against us during GWAR's act, so much so that a petite novice GWAR fan next to us had to get out from the front of the stage and go back towards the back of the club so she could breathe. Despite us being nowhere near the pit, we caught a few crowd surfers. One guy snuck up on us, and luckly, I've done enough downward dogs in yoga that my arms were in pretty decent shape and I was able to protect my neck as his fat ass came down on me. Guys, if you're over a hundred and forty pounds, you have no business crowd surfing. You're too fat. Thanks. Lots of drunks, tweaks and stoners getting their high on, and moving around rather dangerously. Usually that's cool at a 21-and-older show, but with the younger crowd, it's not recommended.
GWAR was awesome, as usual. They did one of my favorite songs, Sick Of You, and although we were prepared to be drenched, luckly, only our upper bodies got wet, as one of the slaves dumped a bucket of fake bodily fluid right on John and I. THis was good because it was rather cold outside. I had on a bathing suit, a workout top, my homemade GWAR long sleeved tee, and my
coat. I brought a trash bag and we managed to keep our gear dry until the end. It felt good to be home, but, like any good GWAR show, you jones afterwards for more. Luckly, we have an arsenal of great GWAR DVDs to watch to keep our fix on until the next show. Yay!
GWAR was awesome, as usual. They did one of my favorite songs, Sick Of You, and although we were prepared to be drenched, luckly, only our upper bodies got wet, as one of the slaves dumped a bucket of fake bodily fluid right on John and I. THis was good because it was rather cold outside. I had on a bathing suit, a workout top, my homemade GWAR long sleeved tee, and my
coat. I brought a trash bag and we managed to keep our gear dry until the end. It felt good to be home, but, like any good GWAR show, you jones afterwards for more. Luckly, we have an arsenal of great GWAR DVDs to watch to keep our fix on until the next show. Yay!
At Sunday, December 10, 2006 11:03:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Not only do we have a bunch of GWAR dvd's but EVERY GWAR studio and DBX albums, including the Slaves Going Single album (a bunch of early GWAR side project songs and little mix of some scores and tunes from their video movies) DBX's Live From Ground Zero and X-Cops albums, a good mixture of their video movies and all the issues of the Slavepit Funnies, as well as a signed copy of GWAR slave Bob Gorman's t-shirt design. So weather you like to listen, watch or read.....we've got something to fill our GWAR needs.
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