We watched Jesus Camp and lived to tell about it!!
Jesus Camp is a documentary about three Christian kids who go to an Evangelical Camp during the summer. It's fascinating and somewhat creepy. I'd recommend watching this movie twice- once without commentary, then with the commentary. I also would like to nominate Ted Haggart as Earth's 2007 nominee for Biggest Douche in The Universe. :D
At Friday, March 23, 2007 10:10:00 AM,
axehandle said…
Tht movie was just damn scary. I'd like to second Ol' Ted's nomination as well.
At Monday, March 26, 2007 5:24:00 PM,
Jenn said…
Here Ted is, the biggest douche in the uuuu-nee-verse!
Good goin' douche!
At Saturday, April 07, 2007 7:26:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Absolutely horrifying, in'nit?
Fundies scare me AND make me chuckle at the same time.
At Friday, April 13, 2007 9:38:00 AM,
axehandle said…
Speaking of Fundies Angela, there is an article in the new issue of Rolling Stone entitled Teenage Holy War. It makes the the fundies in Jesus Camp look tame. Click on the link above to read the whole article. I couldn't make it through the first time I read it. I had to put it down.
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